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Bird Surveys in ScotlandThe Wildlife Survey Unit carries out bird surveys throughout Scotland including Inverness, Moray, Aberdeenshire, Argyll, Angus, Perthshire, Orkney and Caithness.
We undertake a variety of surveys for wild birds, the survey that is required depends on the type of development and the likely bird assemblage on the site. Survey Below is a guide to the commonest types of survey and the likely scenario in which each would be needed, click on the link for a fuller explanation of what each survey entails. |
A Breeding Bird Survey is basically a survey undertaken during the breeding season to assess the species composition and numbers present
A Wintering Bird Survey is a survey undertaken during the winter period again to assess the species composition and the numbers present
A Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) is a survey undertaken monthly between September and March of sites located on wetlands, assessing the species composition and numbers present
A Vantage Point Survey is an ornithological survey assessing the height of flying birds of species with a high collision risk during the breeding and/or the wintering season.
A Species-specific survey is a survey solely concentrating on a single species of conservation interest. This could be for example, a Barn Owl survey in relation to a barn conversion or a Nightjar survey in relation to a development adjacent to a heathland